Preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a special time in a person’s life. God is calling us closer to him and is waiting to give us the gift of his Grace through His Sacraments. At confirmation we are showered with Grace in a special way, through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are “sealed” with the gift of the Holy Spirit – we belong to Christ forever.
Along with your parents, the Priests, teachers, catechists and the Faith Formation Office are here to walk with you on this spiritual journey. During this time of preparation, we invite you and your family to delve further into your faith, to seek and ask for a deeper relationship with Christ. The St. Martins Faith Community will work with you, to provide opportunities where you and your family encounter the real person of Jesus Christ.
2024 Requirements for Confirmation
(for those receiving Confirmation in the Spring of 2024)
01. Attendance and Participation in Confirmation Class (virtual and inperson)
02. Confirmation Retreat (nature of this retreat is dependent on the current restrictions)
03. Service Project (to be discussed and completed with your Confirmation class)
04. Saint Project (to be presented during Confirmation Class)
05. Letter to the Bishop
06. Submission of Required Documents
For “by the sacrament of Confirmation, (the baptized) are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special stregth of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed (CIC 1285)
In confirmation our Christian initiation is completed as we bathe in Grace in a special way, through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are "sealed" with the gift of the Holy Spirit: We belong to Christ forever.
his preparation program for the Sacrament of Confirmation consists of two consecutive school years of formation for baptized children and their parents beginning in 7th grade.
During this time of preparation, we will accompany them, providing family enrichment and opportunities where students meet the real person of Jesus Christ so that we can celebrate together the confirmation of their children in the Eucharist.
Confirmation Guide
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday Program
Confirmation Guide
Friday Program
Baptismal Certification Form
(use only if you were baptized at St. Martin's,
otherwise, we need a copy of your baptismal
Sponsor Eligibility Form
Instructions for the Letter
to the Bishop
Form to submit your Saint Name
and for information about the Saint Report that
will be presented in class.