We gave away food to 448 families this past week, and have no bags left over. Needs for the coming 2 weeks include 375 Tuna (canned meat), 375 Mixed Beans (red, black, chickpea etc.), 273 boxes pasta, 220 Meals-in-a-can: spaghetti with meatballs, ravioli, lasagna, etc. (canned pasta with meat). Parishes donating included Mother Seton, Our Lady of Grace, Our Lady of Mercy, St. Francis, St. Mary, St Bart’s. Stores providing produce, meat, dairy, baked goods, and beverages included Costco, Safeway (Falls & River Rd), Panera (Great Harvest), Spring Mill Bread, and Crumble Cookie. Thank you to parishes, individuals and stores who have made this possible.
Food Pantry Report - October 19, 2024
Updated: Oct 25, 2024