Over the two weeks ending with 4 March, we received approximately 8.45 tons of non-perishable food, and gave out some 4.23 tons to 434 families in the week ending 26 February and some 4.15 tons to 426 families in the week ending 4 March. (Perishable food distribution -- produce, meat and prepared food -- varies according to store donations, but recently can be estimated as somewhat less in weight than the non-perishable distribution.)
Estimated shortages for the next two distributions (projecting 410 families each week): (1) tuna/canned meat/canned fish (short c.533 cans), (2) canned fruit (short c. 530 cans), (3) pasta sauce (short approx. 520 bottles/cans), (4) “meals in a can” (stew, canned pasta, chili, etc. short c. 421 cans), (5) pasta (short approx. 464 boxes), (6) mac & cheese, (7) canned vegetables, (8) canned beans, (9) canned soup, (10) dry rice/beans, and (11) dry unsweetened cereal/oatmeal.
We also need: Newborn and # 6 diapers, baby wipes, and Pediasure. We also need Ensure for adults, and adult diapers/ Depends size medium ONLY. With thanks for a recent very large donation of the same, please hold off for the time being on any donation of other sizes of adult diapers/Depends. Paper grocery bags (Wegmans or Trader Joe or Lidl size) and plastic newspaper bags and plastic grocery bags are always needed.
May God bless you for all your help for our work!