Ways to Give
If you want to give your donations to the parish either automatically or in the basket every Sunday, you can do it in different ways either electronically through Faith Direct, by check, or using envelopes. Below we show you the different ways to donate to our parish.
eGiving: The most convenient way used by most of our parishioners either for recurring or one-time donations is eGiving through Faith Direct. To register, click on the "enroll" button and follow the steps indicated or scan the QR code with your cellphone. See a brief explanation at this link.

Text to Give: Simply text your $ amount to 301-610-3888 and click the link that pops up seconds later. Choose the gift. Enter your
credit card information, email, name and address and complete the process. The next time you text a gift, you will not have to complete the registration if you use the same phone number.
Giving has never been easier with

Envelopes: If you are going to give your donations in the basket at Mass, we recommend that you request donation envelopes from the parish office. You will receive these envelopes every two months at your home. Place your donation inside the envelope and put it in the basket. This way we can register your donations and give you a tax statement at the beginning of the year.

Check: You can also give your donations in the basket at Mass using a check. We also recommend that you request donation envelopes in the parish office. You will receive these envelopes every two months at your home. Place your donation check inside the envelope and put it in the basket, send it by mail, or bring it to the parish office. Please, make your check payable to St. Martin of Tours and write a note in the memo/for line indicating the fund this check should go.

Cash: You can also give your donations in cash by depositing it in the basket during the offertory. However, please note that these donations are recorded as anonymous donations and it is not possible to give you a tax statement each year. So we always recommend that you use some of the methods described above.